Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Presenter:  Ted Hollingsworth

Land Acquisition – Bexar County
461 Acres at Government Canyon State Natural Area
November 8, 2012

I.       Executive Summary:  Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has teamed up with the City of San Antonio and The Nature Conservancy to acquire the 461-acre MaBe Canyon Ranch for addition to the adjacent Government Canyon State Natural Area.

II.      Discussion:  Government Canyon State Natural Area (GCSNA) consists of 8,623 acres of rugged and scenic limestone ridges, bluffs, cliffs, canyons, springs and creeks within the city limits of San Antonio.  Rapid development in the area has dramatically limited opportunities to expand the SNA, and TPWD staff has been working with adjacent landowners and potential partners to identify willing sellers and acquisition funding opportunities.  MaBe Canyon Ranch, with two miles of boundary in common with the SNA on the northeast side, has long been identified as a high priority for acquisition, and would add significantly to the recreational value of the SNA, in addition to protecting important values for Edwards Aquifer recharge and the recovery of the endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia).  TPWD staff has worked with the City of San Antonio, The Nature Conservancy, and the owner, to identify the means to acquire this tract for conservation.

A bargain sale involving City of San Antonio funds for aquifer conservation, a Section 6 endangered species conservation grant, and donated funding, has been negotiated with the seller. TPWD anticipates matching the donated funds with Land and Water Conservation Funds.

III.     Recommendation:  The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:

“The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to acquire a 461±acre tract in Bexar County for addition to Government Canyon State Natural Area.

Attachments — 3

  1. Exhibit A – Location Map
  2. Exhibit B – Vicinity Map
  3. Exhibit C – Site Map

Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit A

Location Map for Government Canyon SNA in Bexar County

Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit B

Vicinity Map for Government Canyon SNA on the Northwest Side of San Antonio

Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Exhibit C

Site Map Showing Location of Subject 461-Acre Tract
at Government Canyon SNA