
Grant Number, Project Title

E-1 Job 5: Fire ants and endangered cave invertebrates: a control and ecological study | PDF

E-1 Job 28: Further study on the status and range of endangered arthropods from caves in the Austin, Texas, region | PDF
Geologic controls on cave development and the distribution of cave fauna in the Austin, Texas, region | PDF

E-1 Job 47: Status survey of Texas heelsplitter, Potamilus amphichaenus | PDF

E-1 Job 54: Geologic and biologic investigation of potential habitat for potentially endangered karst fauna in Bexar County, Texas | PDF

E-1 Job 85: Monitoring effects of a renovation project on endangered fish and invertebrates in Diamond Y Draw | PDF

E-1 Job 90: Survey of abundance, distribution, and general biology of Texas hornshell (Popenaias popei) and other unionids in the Rio Grande, Texas | PDF

E-7: Cave crickets (Ceutholphilus spp.) in Central Texas: the ecology of a keystone cave invertebrate | PDF

E-52: Revision of karst species zones for the Austin, Texas, area | PDF

E-59: Examining possible foraging differences in urban and rural cave cricket populations: preliminary study of carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C, δ15N) as indicators of trophic level | PDF

E-60: Phylogeography of cave crickets (Ceuthophilus spp.) in central Texas: a keystone taxon for the conservation and management of federally endangered cave arthropods | PDF

E-67: Genetic isolation of Comal Springs riffle beetle populations | PDF

E-70: Assessing the status of Eurycea salamanders and aquifer invertebrates in Northern Hays County, Texas | PDF

E-80: Detection probabilities of karst invertebrates | PDF

E-105: Hays County karst invertebrate distribution and cave development | PDF

E-121: Native springsnails and the invasive red-rim melania snail (Melanoides tuberculata), species habitat associations and life history investigations in the San Solomon Spring complex, Texas | PDF

E-130: Surveys for threatened and endangered mussels and fishes in rivers of Northeastern Texas | PDF
Additional Data | ZIP

E-132-R-1: Survey of Texas hornshell populations in Texas: year 1 | PDF

E-132-R-2: Survey of Texas hornshell populations in Texas: years 2-3| PDF

E-138: Using ecological niche modeling to predict the probability of occurrence of rare fish and mussel species in East Texas | PDF

E-140: Freshwater mussel conservation in Texas: a joint venture between the Dallas Aquarium and Texas Tech University | PDF

E-147: Identification of important fish hosts for East Texas freshwater mussels using genetic and ecological niche E-modeling methods | PDF

ET-148: Genetic demography of endemic and endangered taxa in springs of the Edwards Plateau | PDF

ET-149:  Age, growth and environmental exposure histories of threatened freshwater mussels assessed with sclerochronology and shell stable isotopes | PDF

E-156: Assessing the Conservation Status of Rare Endemic Mussel Species (Family: Unionidae) in the Lower Guadalupe River, Texas | PDF

E-164: Assessing the Conservation Status of Native Freshwater Mussels (Family: Unionidae) in the Trinity River basin. | PDF

E-172: Mitigating impact of tawny crazy ant populations on endangered karst invertebrates:quantifying harm and designing environmentally safe control methods. | PDF

E-178: Present Status of the American Burying Beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) in extreme NE Texas; is this species still present in Texas? | PDF

E-178: Data | Excel