Honor Roll: Texas Symbols

Cover-Honor Roll

TPW Magazine, March 2010
If you don't have a copy of the TPW magazine, you may print a copy of Honor Roll: Texas Symbols (pdf).

Teacher Resources

TPW Magazine, March 2010

What does Texas symbolize to you? Learn about the symbols the Texas legislature chose -- and about elementary students who helped convince the legislature to name the state amphibian!

Print "Honor Roll: Texas Symbols"
You may print and distribute this pdf of the article for classroom use.
Student Research Page
This web page is for your students, with links to activities, video clips and related web sites to guide students' research.
Background for Teachers
Learn more about the topics for this month.
Vocabulary - definitions and context
These definitions include a context sentence to aid understanding.
Activities and Lesson Plans
From discussion questions to fun activities, try these supplements to your curriculum to engage students.
Project WILD Activities
Activities suited for this month's topics.