A Texas Guide to Wildlife Watching

Viewing Tips

Follow these tips from experienced behavior watchers to witness wildlife without startling them or sapping their energy. It's a feeling you'll always remember.

Fade Into the Woodwork

Camera Tips

How to Use Binoculars

Where the Animals Are . . .

Binocular sign along the highway mark hundreds of wildlife viewing areas described in state guidebooks.

Have you noticed the brown and white binocular signs along the highway? They mark hundreds of wildlife viewing areas that are described in state guidebooks.

Remember, wildlife can't read the signs. Watch for animals while traveling to or from the viewing site. "On the way" is all part of the adventure. Good luck!

Come to Your Senses

"Catch" a Fish View

Drawing of a Rainbow Trout.

Let Animals Be Themselves

Fawns are baby deer. Avoid feeding or rescuing.

Think Like an Animal

Wildlife Are Watching

Bobcats could be watching you!

We've all had it happen. You look up from the trail just in time to see an animal dive out of sight - a swoop of wing, a flash of antler, a slap of beaver's tail.

The truth is, most animals see and hear and smell us long before we catch their drift. They size us up and decide whether to stay, defend themselves, or flee. Fighting and fleeing from us rob them of precious energy.

Fortunately, there are simple ways you can help blend into an animal's surroundings. In return, you'll be treated to a wildlife show that makes your heart pound and your senses hum.

Slow Down and Discover…

The ultimate wildlife watching experience is behavior watching – viewing animals without interrupting their normal activities. Instead of just a glimpse, you have an encounter – a chance not only to identify the animal, but to identify with it.