Project WILD Activities

Project WILD ActivitiesCover_Weather_Watch

How Wet Is Our Planet? (WILD Aquatic)–
Students calculate water volumes using percentages. Upon completion students describe the amount and distribution of water on earth; and make inferences about the importance of responsible water use. Requires world map; world globe; 5-10 gallon aquarium; writing materials; calculators; measuring cup; on-quart container and one measuring tablespoon for every three students.
I’m Thirsty -
Students use data provided to perform mathematical calculations and make inferences. Upon completion, students make inferences about the importance of adaptations for wildlife survival. Requires paper and pencils.
Puddle Wonders! (WILD Aquatic)–
Students observe water that accumulates in a puddle; measure the depth of the puddle, the area and the volume. Upon completion students predict where puddles will form and how they will change; observe and describe organisms that live in or near puddles; measure and record the amount of water in a puddle; and make inferences about what types of organisms occupy puddles. Requires pencils; data sheets; measuring instruments; and string.N.dd>
Rainfall and the Forest –
Students work with state highway and vegetative maps to determine relationships between rainfall, vegetation and animal habitats. Upon completion students correlate rainfall data with vegetative communities; correlate vegetative communities with animal life; recognize interrelationships among living and non-living elements of the environment; and understand that populations and the fluctuations of those populations are influenced by climatic conditions. Requires (for each group) highway maps of state; sheets of tracing paper (19 X 24” or 17 X 22”); different colored crayons; information about annual elevation and rainfall for 25 to 30 communities in the state; vegetative map of state. Optional range maps of selected wildlife species in state.
Watershed (WILD Aquatic)–
Students measure the area of a local watershed, calculate the amount of water it receives each year, and discuss the varied roles the watershed plays in human and animal lives. Upon completion students describe the characteristics of watersheds; discuss the role of watersheds as wildlife and human habitat; and give examples of watershed conservation. Requires six stakes or markers; hammer; measuring tapes; writing materials; clipboards; and easel paper.
Where Does Water Run? (WILD Aquatic)–
Students measure and calculate the area of a study site; calculate the volume and weight of water falling on that site; determine specific and annual rainfall and runoff; and trace the course of water to aquatic habitats. Upon completion students describe relationships between precipitation, runoff and aquatic habitats. Requires writing materials; meter or yardsticks; long piece of twine with marks every yard or meter; rain gauge; and local rainfall data. Calculators and trundle wheel are optional.