
Proctor Reservoir 2018 Survey Report media download(PDF 1003.9 KB)

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Proctor Reservoir - 2018 Survey Report

Prepared by Natalie Goldstrohm and Michael D. Homer Jr.
Inland Fisheries Division - Abilene District

This is the authors' summary from a 34-page report. For a copy of the complete report, use the download link in the sidebar.

Fish populations in Proctor Reservoir were surveyed in 2016 and 2018 using electrofishing and trap netting, and in 2017 and 2019 using gill netting. Historical data are presented with the 2016-2019 data for comparison. This report summarizes the results of the surveys and contains a management plan for the reservoir based on those findings.

Reservoir Description

Proctor Reservoir is a 4,615-acre impoundment constructed in 1963 on the Leon River and is located 10 miles north of the City of Comanche. Proctor Reservoir is controlled by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Primary water uses include flood control, water supply, and recreation. Recent water level has remained near conservation pool (CP) with average annual fluctuations between 5-10 feet below CP. The reservoir has a history of large water level fluctuations. Water level has gone over CP several times during the last ten years with the most recent time being in June 2019. Since the water level has fluctuated over time, aquatic vegetation was limited and was not observed in the reservoir. After the water level rise, habitat features included flooded terrestrial vegetation, rocks, and standing timber. An artificial habitat project was completed in summer 2016 by using Mossback, Fishiding, and American Fish Tree structures. Ample bank fishing access was in the park areas, and handicap-accessible fishing piers exist.

Management History

Important sport fish included White Bass, Hybrid Striped Bass, Largemouth Bass, crappie, and catfish. Sunshine Bass fry were stocked as part of a special study from 2014-2017. After the Sunshine Bass had poor recruitment, Palmetto Bass were stocked in 2017 and 2018. The most recent stocking of Florida Largemouth Bass was in 2019. Sport fishes have always been managed by statewide length and bag limits. In 2016, a habitat enhancement project was conducted by deploying artificial structures and brush piles with locations publicized.

Fish Community

Management Strategies

Sport Fish Restoration Logo

Performance Report as required by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act Texas Federal Aid Project F-221-M-5 Inland Fisheries Division Monitoring and Management Program

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