Water Planning Data for Region J (Plateau)

Devils River

From a point 0.4 mile downstream of the confluence of Little Satan Creek in Val Verde County upstream to the Val Verde/Sutton County line (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2309).

Fessenden Branch

From the confluence with Johnson Creek upstream to Fessenden Springs.

Frio River

From the Real/Uvalde County line upstream to the confluence of the West Frio River and the East Frio River in Real County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2113).

Guadalupe River

From the Kerr/Kendall County line upstream to the confluence of the North Fork Guadalupe River and the South Fork Guadalupe River in Kerr County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 1806).

Johnson Creek

From the confluence with the Guadalupe River in Kerr County to a point 0.7 mile upstream of the most upstream crossing of SH 41 in Kerr County (TNRCC classified stream segment 1816).

Las Moras Creek

From the Kinney/Maverick County line upstream to its headwaters four miles north of Brackettville in Kinney County.

Medina River

From a point immediately upstream of the confluence of Red Bluff Creek in Bandera County to the confluence of the North Prong Medina River and the West Prong Medina River in Bandera County (TNRCC classified stream segment 1905).

Mud Creek

From the confluence with Sycamore Creek in Kinney County upstream to its headwaters located about six miles northeast of Amanda in Kinney County.

North Fork Guadalupe River

From the confluence with the Guadalupe River in Kerr County to a point 11.3 miles upstream of Boneyard Draw in Kerr County (TNRCC classified stream segment 1817).

Nueces River

From the Real/Edwards/Uvalde County line upstream to the confluence of the East Prong Nueces River and Hackberry Creek in Edwards County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2112).

Pecos River

From a point 0.4 miles downstream of the confluence of Painted Canyon in Val Verde County upstream to the Val Verde/Crockett County line (TNRCC classified stream segment 2310 and part of 2311).

Pinto Creek

From the confluence with the Rio Grande in Kinney County upstream to its headwaters northeast of Brackettville in Kinney County.

Sabinal River

From the Bandera/Uvalde County line upstream to the most upstream crossing of RR 187 in Bandera County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 2111).

San Felipe Creek

From the confluence with the Rio Grande in Val Verde County upstream to a point 2.5 miles upstream of US 90 in Val Verde County (TNRCC classified stream segment 2313).

South Fork Guadalupe River

From the confluence with the Guadalupe River in Kerr County to a point three miles upstream of FM 187 in Kerr County (TNRCC classified stream segment 1818).

South Llano River

From the Kimble/Edwards County line upstream to SH 55 in Edwards County (within TNRCC classified stream segment 1415).

Sycamore Creek

From the confluence with the Rio Grande in Val Verde/Kinney County upstream to US 90 on Val Verde/Kinney County line.

West Nueces River

From the Kinney/Uvalde County line upstream to the Kinney/Edwards County line.

West Verde Creek

From the Bandera/Medina County line upstream to its headwaters in Bandera County.
